
formerly known as.....

So why change the name now?...Because...we are in our fourth year as a skateboard shop, and the name Gaston really comes from a time when we (myself and Jack, Jack is the guy who works up front in the bike shop) were in the process of becoming owners of the bicycle shop, we decided at the time to change the name of the bike shop to Gaston Bicycle. I had been thinking about adding a skateboard shop for a long time so we added a skateboard section on the floor of the bicycle shop. We started answering the phone as Gaston Bicycle and Skateboard, which led to the skate shop being called Gaston Skateboard. I have always wanted to give the skate shop it's own identity by giving it a name other than Gaston, but never really felt the need until recently. We relocated in September 2005, and were able to give the skate shop a separate entrance and a room all it's own as well as a warehouse area that quickly became a skate park. Since then the shop has really grown and established itself, so i think it deserves a real name...I mean calling it Gaston has been fine, but i also feel like I never really gave it a name, we just started calling it Gaston Skateboard through the ties with the bike shop. But lately more than ever, I've really wanted to go ahead and create a name for the place because it has become more than i thought it would ever be...we have gone from our first order of 12 skateboards, to now stocking over 50 boards on the wall all the time. Also, the addition of a skate park adds the whole liability issue to the mix, so i am separating the skate shop from the bike in a corporate sense so that the bicycle shop is not connected to the skate shop legally...Thanks to a dedicated group of customers and new skaters coming in all the time, what started out as a side project for me due to my love of skateboards has become a full time job of running the skate shop and skate park...so i feel Side Project really says a lot about where the shop has come from.
So, I hope eventually everyone will get used to using the name, I know it might be odd at first but I really think this is a good idea in long run. Besides, I have been thinking about this for a while, long list of names and scrap papers with all kinds of ideas about a name and when this one hit me I knew it was time to do this.....so thanks for supporting Gaston Skateboard..and just like moving and adding new products and a skate park, I hope that changing the name will be a great new thing also.....thanks..